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Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bila Hati Belum Bersedia...

In our life, there are so many unexpected things that happened to us. Sometimes it can be the happiest things, sometimes it can be the saddest ones. It depends on how we handle all those unexpected things. So, we must always be prepared. Although, we are not strong enough to face it, we MUST dare to take the challenge.

Tapi, bila sampai ‘feeling’ aku memang surrender. Dare to take the challenge but afraid to face the reality. Too many unexpected things happened bila masuk bab hati dan perasaan nih. Sememangnya aku tak mahu jadi seorang yang kejam dan pentingkan diri sendiri. Tapi, pada masa yang sama aku tak mampu untuk berpura-pura demi satisfied kan others peoples. Serba salah aku dibuatnya! Aku cuba cara yang paling halus untuk tidak sakitkan hati orang lain. Nak buat macam mana kalau hati kita masih belum bersedia. Kadang-kadang dah jumpa the rite person, tapi wrong timing plak. Kadang2 plak rite time, tapi wrong person. Subjek hati dan perasaan ni mmg very complicated. Lagi susah daripada subjek Add Maths kot, hehehe.
Am I too selfish? Have I got no chance to make my own choice?

Most of my buddy say that I’m too rigid with my own feeling. Diorang cakap aku tak pernah nak cuba buka pintu hati untuk orang len. Hm..ntah la. Aku pon tak pasan. Apa pun, kalau hati belum bersedia, there’s nothing we can do…. Semua tu terpulang pada ketentuan NYA rite??


Anonymous said...

soal hati?! memang payah..sometimes just we know what we facing of..susah gak..selfish? but we have right to do dat and dis rite..pasrah je :D..only Allah knows everything :)

Anonymous said...

uwek !! jiwang

Jeketbiru said...

yup bae..only Allah knows everything!

Jeketbiru said...

jiwang? ade timing nye je jiwang :P