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Thursday, March 30, 2006


I'm working under pressure within these 2-3 days!'s very hard to please everybody...When i'm trying to do my best, they wanna me to follow their wishes..i'm stucked! They wanna me to understand their problems...yeah, i'm trying! But don't treat me like an idiot! Please understand my situation. i'm just executant.I've my own responsibility.

Susahnye nak puaskan hati semua orang. Bila di beri peluang bersuara, kita pula macam dipijaknya...
I know, i'm lack of experiences in handling all those things, but they should not make me to work under pressure! Kadang2 rasa mcam nak letak jawatan ja! Lagipun selama ni, i'm not the one who offering myself to hold that post (tak nak pun). i'm understand how hard to be a leader even in a small group.Hopefully i can handle and manage it properly and nicely.Insyaallah, I'll do my best!

**kadang-kadang rasa macam nak 'lightsaber' kan aje cikgu-cikgu yang banyak songeh tu (kejam nye saya, hehe)**


Anonymous said...

sabo laa weh..adat tu org suke dengki mengki and tak pueh hati bile kat tempat keje neh..just be urself and believe in whatever u've done..deme jeles kat ang tu hihhiihiii

mentality is something hard to change :)

Jeketbiru said...

tu arr...bile nak maju camtu?? asyik nak ngomen aje..tensi eden!

weh...mana ang dpt kata ganda baru tu - dengki mengki :p..hehe

Anonymous said...

suke aku je wat kata ganda..pop ups on my mine ;)