Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, November 19, 2007


The ticket

The gondola

Say cheeseee! :)

Maka kami..rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan....( pokus kat mamat blakang tu) hehe

Cun giler! cam roda beskal kan?

The girls in the gondola...teruja..teruja...hehe

Merealisasikan hasrat terpendam dari awal tahun. So, before balik bercuti kena la naik. Takut tak sempat lak. Erm, personally takde la gayat sangat. Best sangat pun takde..tak best sangat pun tak jugak. Mild je rasa...neway, to gain some experiences and enjoying the night scene in KL is recommended la naik. Cun giler panorama waktu malam :)

Afterthought: Can't wait to experience the nite scene in Bandung and Jakarta, ahaks

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