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Thursday, February 28, 2008


-anak sapa ntah ni-

A mood swing is an extreme or rapid change in a mood.Causes of mood swings are due to hormonal changes that can temporarily upset brain chemistry, such as during PMS, pregnancy, menopause,or puberty.As the hormones involved normalize, these mood swings generally subside on their own.

I lost my appetite to talk. No jokes, no laugh today.
Abes bebudak kene marah masa kat skulah tadi. Padan muka! Nakal lagi ngan Cik Emilia...huh!
The proliferation of my working load makes my hormones changes rapidly. Urgh,exhausted! It's became tiresome when you have to work under the supervision of non-understanding peoples.

Tengah-tengah takde mood ni, ade plak yang tanya bila saya nak kawen! hoh...rase macam nak dush dush kebabommm je dia tadi!

Notes: Penat rupanya buat muka seriyes ni,hahaha


Anonymous said...

(psst.. mengikut kitab tajuk muluk, sapa mood swing dia tak lama lagi nak kawen..)



Muhaimin said...

mengikut ramalan sy, rmai org tgh mood swing ni...sdgkn sy pun hmpir gak xbrapa ok mood..rsanya ada gak yg kna marah dgn sy kat poli..ahahhaha. susah btul hidup berkwn dgn org yg xreti dgr arahan,tamb yg pling xreti wat keje..benci!!!

Jeketbiru said...

to cibil:
kawen? hahahaha...sapa yang nak kawen ni? akak ke awak..wahahahaha :P

to amin:
aik..menopause ke min?ahahaha